Version 10.3, Build 376

The following enhancements have been added to CaseMap version 10.3 (Build 376) released October 21, 2014:


hmtoggle_plus1OCR Image PDF with Bates Stamps

CaseMap now performs OCR processing on image-only (no text) PDFs with Bates stamps and other short header and footer text.

hmtoggle_plus1Needs OCR column added to Linked File Index Status

CaseMap now provides a new "Needs OCR" column on the Indexed tab of the Linked File Index Status dialog box that allows you to identify documents that need OCR processing.

hmtoggle_plus1Skipped PDF tab added to Linked File OCR Status

CaseMap now provides a new "Skipped PDF" tab on the Linked File OCR Status dialog box that displays PDF documents for which OCR processing has been skipped.



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