System requirements

Please review the current system requirements for setup considerations and suggestions. Review each section in advance before making expensive hardware and network decisions that may not be in line with LexisNexis CaseMap or TextMap recommendations.

Please keep informed of CaseMap Server, CaseMap Admin Console, and CaseMap SQL Import Utility release updates and how they impact your system by contacting your CaseMap Sales or Support Representative.



When setting up users for local cases, ensure that all users have full network access to each case directory they need to access. When setting up users for SQL cases in the CaseMap Admin Console, ensure that users are assigned appropriate roles and assigned to the cases they need access.


hmtoggle_plus1CaseMap Server v1.9

CaseMap Server is a Windows® .NET Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) Web service that authenticates CaseMap users and is used to store or retrieve data from the admin database. CaseMap Server must be installed on a local hard drive. You must be logged on with admin rights to install CaseMap Server.

2 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
2 GB of RAM or greater
Approximately 100 MB of free disk space on the system drive
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors
Any of the following versions of Microsoft Windows®:

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server® 64-bit

Microsoft Windows 2008 Server® 64-bit

Any of the following versions of Microsoft Internet Information Server®

Microsoft Windows Microsoft IIS 6.0® 32 and 64-bit

Microsoft Windows Microsoft IIS 7.0® 32 and 64-bit

Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 and above




The CaseMap Server requires CaseMap SQL case databases to reside in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Service Pack 2 or higher, SQL Server 2008, or SQL Server 2012.



The CaseMap Server requires the admin database to reside in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008. The installer will prompt you for SQL Server Credentials to create the admin database.



The CaseMap Server should only be accessible from within the secured network and any access to the CaseMap Server from Internet should be blocked.



The CaseMap Server runs under a service account that has privileges to perform LDAP queries against Active Directory and has read/write/execute permissions on the TextMap admin database.



The CaseMap Server has two web services: one for the TextMap client application and the other for the CaseMap Admin Console to use.

Admin Console Service Default URL: http://[Web_Server_Name]/CMServer/CMServerAdmin.svc

Client Application Service Default URL: http://[Web_Server_Name]/CMServer/CMServerClient.svc


hmtoggle_plus1CaseMap Admin Console v1.9

The CaseMap Admin Console is the Windows desktop application providing access to the CaseMap Server Web Service. Install the CaseMap Admin Console to the Microsoft Windows desktop of any user who will administer TextMap SQL cases and other users.

The CaseMap Admin Console must be installed and run on a local hard drive. The CaseMap Admin Console can not be run from a network server.  CaseMap Admin Console data is stored on an Admin Database residing in a Microsoft® SQL Server® database. You must be logged on with Admin rights to install the CaseMap Admin Console.

1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Approximately 30 MB of free disk space on the system drive
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors
Any of the following versions of Microsoft Windows®:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home®

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server®

Microsoft Windows Vista®

Microsoft Windows 2008 Server®

Microsoft Windows 2012 Server®

Microsoft Windows Vista®

Microsoft Windows 7®

Microsoft Windows 8®



When prompted to enter URL for CaseMap Server (optional), please enter an URL ending with CMServerAdmin.svc. CaseMap Server is required to administer TextMap SQL cases and respective users.


hmtoggle_plus1CaseMap SQL Import Utility v11

The CaseMap SQL Import Utility is an administrative tool used to migrate existing case file databases from Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL Server. The CaseMap SQL Import Utility must be installed and run on a local hard drive. The CaseMap SQL Import Utility cannot be run from a network server. You must be logged on with admin rights to install the CaseMap SQL Import Utility.

Each CaseMap case requires a distinct SQL database. After you import an Access case into a SQL Server database, use the CaseMap Admin Console to register the case and then assign it to users.

1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Approximately 30 MB of free disk space on the system drive
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors
Any of the following versions of Microsoft Windows®:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home®

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server®

Microsoft Windows 2008 Server®

Microsoft Windows Vista®

Microsoft Windows 7®


hmtoggle_plus1Review Additional Recommendations

Review the following for additional information regarding recommendations.

Network connection speed, network traffic, database size, and other items may be a factor when evaluating performance. To maximize performance, the user capacity of the CaseMap Server is metered by the hardware. A Pentium CPU will support 25 users. A Xeon or Pentium Hyper Threaded (HT) CPU will support 50 users. Multiple CPU capacity for dual and quad CPU servers. Server capacity is also limited by bandwidth on your LAN and WAN, as well as file server speed.

The CaseMap Server requires a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) v6.0 or v7.0 Web server. If you are installing CaseMap Server on an IIS 6 server, you will need to ensure that aspnet_isapi.dll is allowed.

Computer Management

The application pool identity must be configured for IIS by running the aspnet_regiis utility. You can do this from the command line (running as Administrator).

Administrator Command Prompt

It must also hold the Log On As Service right in the LSA.

Local Security Policy > Log on as a server Properties

The CaseMap Server should only be accessible inside your protected network and requires installation to a single Windows® Server 2003 or 2008. You should not allow access to the CaseMap Server from the Internet.



Please use standard configurations for an IIS web server. The CaseMap Server web services will use the ports that are assigned to its parent Web site in IIS. However, CaseMap and the CaseMap Admin Console expect the CaseMap Server to be on port 80 for HTTP or 443 for SSL.



CaseMap Server supports SSL encryption. It is recommended that you require SSL connections to the CaseMap Server's parent Web site.


If the hosting web site of the CaseMap Server does not have an SSL binding in Microsoft IIS, the SSL endpoints will need to be modified.

For your convenience, we have already included the necessary elements in the web.config to support SSL. However, these configuration values are commented by default. To enable support for SSL, you will need to uncomment some values in the Web.config file.

1.Locate the following:

     <!-- SSL Support



         <binding name="SecurityByTransport">

           <security mode="Transport">

             <transport clientCredentialType="None"/>






2.Change Step 1 to the following:

     <!-- SSL Support  -->



         <binding name="SecurityByTransport">

           <security mode="Transport">

             <transport clientCredentialType="None"/>





3.Next locate the following:

     <!-- SSL Endpoint

     <endpoint address ="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SecurityByTransport" contract="LexisNexis. CMServer.WebServices.ICMServerClient"/>


4.Change Step 3 to the following:

     <!-- SSL Endpoint  -->

     <endpoint address ="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SecurityByTransport" contract="LexisNexis. CMServer.WebServices.ICMServerClient"/>

5.Now locate the following:

     <!-- SSL Endpoint

     <endpoint address ="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SecurityByTransport" contract="LexisNexis. CMServer.WebServices.ICMServerAdmin"/>


6.Change Step 5 to the following:

      <!-- SSL Endpoint -->

      <endpoint address ="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SecurityByTransport" contract="LexisNexis. CMServer.WebServices.ICMServerAdmin"/>


To enable support for debugging, you will need to uncomment some values in the Web.config file.

1.Locate the following text:

<!-- Debugging Support  

   <compilation debug="true"/>

   <customErrors mode="Off">


2.Change the text in Step 1 to the following:

<!-- Debugging Support -->

   <compilation debug="true"/>

   <customErrors mode="Off">



Windows Authentication logons can be used by the CaseMap Server, making user administration easy and fully integrated with your existing network policies. CaseMap Server reuses Windows credentials to authenticate a user. Once a user logs on to Windows, CaseMap Server can use that same log on so that a user does not need to re-specify their credentials.

CaseMap Server with Active Directory can be used to verify users' logons and passwords. Logons are checked with Windows Security Controller. Setting this up helps ensure conformation with password policies.


CaseMap Server has two authentication type options:

Windows Authentication (External by LDAP) — Authentication by Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Active Directory) for accessing SQL cases in CaseMap Server.
Simple Authentication — CaseMap handles authentication for accessing cases.

When using Windows Authentication, you will need to first set up users in the Active Directory and then add the user name to the CaseMap Admin Console. When using Windows authentication, it is important that user names match in both the Active Directory and the CaseMap Admin Console.



related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 877.301.0344. The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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