Introduction - Why CaseMap?

CaseMap is a case organization, analysis, and reporting tool. The information in this tutorial is divided into three lessons: Organize, Analyze, and Report. This tutorial will take you through the basics of using CaseMap to work your cases.


hmtoggle_plus1Why use CaseMap?

As you get familiar with working in CaseMap, you will find many reasons for how it improves your case organization and daily tasks. The following list includes some of the top benefits that CaseMap provides.


Using CaseMap, you will benefit by:

Having a solid framework and a proven method for organizing and evaluating the facts in any case.
Gaining a thorough understanding of the dispute and clarify your thinking about it. As you sort out what you do know about the case, you will find it easy to identify what you don't know and what you need to find out.
Drawing clear distinctions between facts and documents. Actions concerning a document can be facts (Hawkins wrote an email to Lang.)  However, a frequent scenario is that a particular document contains numerous facts.  Bottom line: facts and documents live in different places in CaseMap.
Sharing CaseMap files with multiple members of a case team at the same time. Create a single case that is stored in a shared location on your network for all users to access.
Working together with your entire case team to organize critical knowledge about the facts, the cast of characters, and the issues in your cases.
Delegating and distributing organization, analysis, and reporting tasks so your team can divide and conquer any chaos in any matter.
Investing the time to organize and share case knowledge in CaseMap, which pays big dividends when it is time to analyze,  strategize, file motions or briefs, negotiate a settlement, or take the case to trial.  Even if you haven't picked up the case for months, CaseMap keeps case knowledge, documents and your thinking about the case at your fingertips.
Ensuring complete discovery, no matter what type of case you handle — civil or criminal.


hmtoggle_plus1Explore available learning resources

The CaseMap team provides you with many learning tools and resource options to meet your learning style and needs. See also Welcome.

CaseMap Quick Reference Card — A four-page 11X 17 reference card you can print and use to create and populate a case file within the hour. Step-by-step instructions help you create the case, create a Cast of Characters, enter case issues, import data into the case, analyze/sort/filter/search data, view and annotate documents in DocManager, and print both standard reports and ReportBooks. The CaseMap Quick Reference Card is a must for new CaseMap users to get comfortable using CaseMap and working with case data immediately.
CaseMap Orientation — Please take advantage of our FREE 60-minute CaseMap Orientation. A CaseMap Support representative will set up the call for your online session and help walk you through the basics of getting started. Book an appointment by calling 800-833-3346 (option 3) or by emailing
Webinar Center — Learn about beginning, intermediate, and advanced CaseMap topics in the Webinar Center, available 24/7 at no charge. Many of the online tutorials are less than10 minutes long. You can easily start, stop, fast-forward, and rewind so you can go at your own pace. Click here to visit the LexisNexis CaseMap Webinar Center.
CaseMap Answer Center — Click on the Help menu and then click Contents to launch CaseMap's online Answer Center, which provides the latest information and step-by-step procedures for the product version you are using. If you are working offline, you can click on User Guides to download or print content from the CaseMap Answer Center.
CaseMap Online Training — CaseMap online classes are designed to give you the right amount of information and hands-on practice to prepare you to jump right into a working case or create your own once you have complete the course. Work with an CaseMap Certified Professional Instructor who has years of experience with the product and training legal professionals. Class size is kept small to meet the needs of each individual. And the cost is affordable to ensure you will take  advantage the opportunity. To find out availability and which class best suits your needs, visit the LexisNexis University or visit our web site at
CaseMap Support — CaseMap Support Representatives are available to get your through any difficulties you may be experiencing. Hours for support are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EST). Please call at 800-833-3346 (option 3) or email



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 800.833.3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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