What's New in CaseMap

The following enhancements are included in the CaseMap version 11.1 release. For more release information, see the Release Notes, and for additional information pertaining to a new release, see The Differences Between CaseMap versions.


CaseMap v11.1


hmtoggle_plus1Access to the CaseMap 'How To' Video Library

CaseMap now provides access to a set of 'How To' videos on how to perform basic/common tasks in CaseMap. These 'How To' videos are accessible from either the Getting Started or the Help & Info tabs located on the File ribbon.

See Using the Getting Started tips for additional information on accessing the "How To' Video Library.

hmtoggle_plus1Display the Getting Started page after a case has been closed

When a case is closed in CaseMap,  the Getting Started page now displays so that other actions such as creating a new case or opening an existing case can be performed.

See Opening Cases for additional information.

hmtoggle_plus1Option to select the integrated research platform

CaseMap now allow users to select their research platform (Lexis.com or Lexis Advance®) based on their user preferences.

See Changing research settings for additional information.

hmtoggle_plus1Lexis Advance - Online Legal Research Tool


CaseMap now directs you to Lexis Advance® when performing the following spreadsheet tasks:


CaseMap now directs you to Lexis Advance® when retrieving linked research articles using the 'Get this document' function located in the Research - Authorities spreadsheet.

See To view linked research for additional information.

CaseMap now directs you to Lexis Advance® when a Shepard's® report for linked research is run using the 'Shepardize' function located in the Research - Authorities spreadsheet.

See Using Shepard's Signals for additional information.

CaseMap now directs you to Lexis Advance® when Docket & Document searches are performed using the 'Search Dockets & Documents' function located in both the Objects - Persons and the Objects - Organizations spreadsheets.

See Using online research tools for additional information.

CaseMap now sets up Shepard's Alerts in Lexis Advance® when updates/changes are implemented in case law linked to CaseMap.

See Using Lexis Advance® Shepard's Alert for using and setting up Shepard's Alerts.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.833.3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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