About facts

The Facts spreadsheet is where you build the Fact Chronology for your case, including known facts, potential facts, and rumors. Each fact is entered as an individual record so that you can categorize and link your facts to issues, people and documents.


Facts spreadsheet


The easiest way to add facts to the Facts spreadsheet is to cull them from documents as you review them during the discovery process. Over 35 litigation support programs have integrated with CaseMap, incorporating a Send to CaseMap feature. However, when you first begin a new case, you can begin building your Fact Chronology by manually entering data as it is gathered.



If you have Adobe Acrobat or Reader, you can set up PDF documents as objects and cull linked facts from them to directly populate the Facts spreadsheet.



Facts Spreadsheet Overview

The Facts spreadsheet sorts by the Date & Time field (by default).

All new fact records display at the bottom of the spreadsheet until you finish entering data.

All facts without a date entry default to "To Be Determined" and display at the top of the spreadsheet until a date/time is established and the record is updated with a date entry.

To refresh the Facts spreadsheet and sort it into chronological order, click Refresh Spreadsheet on the Home ribbon by clicking the More button or pressing F5.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.833.3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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