About tagging

Tagging data is essentially marking records in a spreadsheet that meet your filter criteria. You are still filtering data, but instead of filtering records to display only those that meet the your filter criteria, you are also marking them while they display with all other spreadsheet records.


Tag icon example


For instance, you could tag data on the Facts spreadsheet to mark only facts entered in the past month. All facts would remain in the spreadsheet, but recently entered facts would be easy to spot because of the red tag to the left of the record.

Tags are distinct to your personal view and cannot be seen by other users of the case. Tags remain active until you cancel them or close the case.


hmtoggle_plus1Clear tags before printing reports

Tagged records print with the red icon in reports. If you want to remove the tag before printing reports, remember to click the Cancel Tag button in the Advanced Search pane beforehand.


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