Sending data from Concordance

When using a document management system, like LexisNexis® Concordance®, you can send selected text from documents and send them to an object spreadsheet in your CaseMap case. When you send a text excerpt to the Facts spreadsheet, a new fact record is created for you. During the import process, a new document record is also created on the Documents spreadsheet. Both the fact and document records will automatically have an attachment link set back the to source document stored in Concordance (including the highlighted excerpt) to the corresponding record in CaseMap.

You can also bulk import multiple records located in a Concordance search or tagged in a document set into a CaseMap spreadsheet to include in your case records listing. Both processes automatically set links back to the original source record in Concordance. To view the source record, click on the paperclip icon for the associated case record.


Sending data from Concordance includes:

Sending individual facts per record into a case spreadsheet (Documents or Pleadings)
Bulk importing multiple records by field mapping data to the case spreadsheet (Documents)


hmtoggle_plus1To send fact information from Concordance
1.Open the CaseMap case that you want to import data into from Concordance.

CaseMap does not need to be open in order to send data to a case, but you must have CaseMap installed on your computer.

2.Open Concordance and locate the document containing text that you want to send to the case.
3.In Concordance's Browse view, highlight the text and then right-click on it and click Send to > CaseMap > New fact.

Send to > CaseMap > New fact example

4.In the message box regarding Unicode, click OK.
5.In the Send to CaseMap - New Fact dialog box, select the spreadsheet in which you want to import data.

Send to CaseMap - New Fact > Link this Document to CaseMap dialog box

Notice that the utility automatically inserts a full name and short name for the document, which you can modify before the import as needed.

6.In the Enter a name for the new Document field, type in the full name of the document or leave the default Concordance entry.
7.In the Edit the assigned short name field, type in the short name according to your internal guidelines.
8.Click OK to continue.

Send to CaseMap > Edit the CaseMap Fact dialog box

9.In the Send To CaseMap – New Fact box, notice that the text you selected from the Concordance document displays in the Text Selection field.



Do not delete the brackets from text excerpts imported using the Send to CaseMap utility. Brackets prevent CaseMap's recognition of short names and designate actual document text for the import.


10.In the Append Text to Selection field, select the spreadsheet field in which you want to send the data.
11.In the Date & Time field, type the date of the document record or when the fact occurred.
12.In the Fact Text field, type a summary of the fact content.
13.Check the Key box, if this is a key fact in the case.
14.Click in the Status field and select the appropriate type.
15.Click on the Issue Linker bar to link the fact directly to issues, then click OK.

You may also type in issue short names in the Linked Issues field.

16.In the message box to view the content in CaseMap, click Yes.

CaseMap launches and now displays the highlighted record in the spreadsheet you selected.

Notice that any fields you populated in the Send to CaseMap utility now display this information in spreadsheet fields.

17.Click on the paperclip icon for this record to verify that the link to the source document in Concordance is set and note that the file path displays in the Linked File field for this record.
hmtoggle_plus1To bulk import multiple records from Concordance
1.Open the CaseMap case that you want to import data into from Concordance.

CaseMap does not need to be open in order to send data to a case, but you must have CaseMap installed on your computer.

2.Open Concordance and perform a search for documents you want to bulk import into the case.
3.In Concordance’s Table view, right-click on the records and select Send to > CaseMap > Send all documents in query.

Send to CaseMap > Send all documents in query example

4.In the message box regarding Unicode, click OK.
5.In the Concordance box, click the Continue button to initiate the import process.
6.When the Bulk Send to CaseMap wizard launches, click Yes to edit the field mappings, then click Next.
7.In the Please Confirm the Destination CaseMap Case dialog box, verify the case and destination for the selected documents, then click Next.
8.In the View/Edit Field Mappings box, click the Modify button to map the records in the Source Data Field (from Concordance) to those in the CaseMap Field(s), which display as <unmapped>.

Bulk Send to CaseMap > View/Edit Field Mappings box

9.In the Field Mappings box, select a Concordance field in the Unmapped Source fields list.

Bulk Send to CaseMap > Modify Field Mappings dialog box

10.Next select the field you want to map to in the Unmapped CaseMap fields list, then click the Add button.
11.Continue mapping fields until you are finished, then click OK.
12.In the View/Edit Field Mappings box, click Next.
13.In the You are about to send multiple records into CaseMap dialog box, review the number of files selected and the CaseMap destination, then click Finish.
14.In the message prompt, review the number of records successfully imported into the case, then click OK.
15.Return to the Documents spreadsheet in CaseMap and review the new records to verify that the data displays in each mapped field correctly.

Notice that the documents included in the bulk import are easily identifiable because the Bates – Begin and Bates – End numbers imported into the Documents spreadsheet fields.

Also notice that the short names for these documents defaults to the Bates number.

You can modify this according to your organization’s short name conventions.

16.Click on the paperclip icon for one of these records to verify that links to the source documents in Concordance are set and note that the file path displays in the Linked File field for this record.



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