About replicating/synchronizing

Replication and synchronization is a CaseMap feature that permits case staff to work in different local copies of a master case (local or SQL) that can be merged to create one updated version of the master case. You can create replicas of local and SQL cases in CaseMap.


Replication vs. Synchronization:

Replication is creating an exact copy of a case while tracking the replicated file
Synchronization is merging the replica to the master case, reconciling any updates or edits


When case users go on the road, they can take a replica copy along and make additions and updates to the case records. While these individuals work in replicas, case staff back in the office can still make changes to the master case. When a replica is returned to the office, it needs to be synchronized with the master case, merging changes made in the replica with those made in the master. CaseMap helps you reconcile any field update conflicts between the two cases.



Create replica cases for staff who need to work from home or access a case during court or offsite depositions.



For information on how to create a SQL case replicas in the CaseMap Admin Console, refer to CaseMap Server documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn more about the replication/synchronization process

Replication and synchronization involves:

Creating a replica of the case
Working in the replica while others work in the master case or other replicas
Synchronizing the replica with the master case
Resolving any conflicts that occur between the replica and master case


A CaseMap wizard helps you resolve conflicts between data updates in the replica and master cases. The wizard presents you with the data conflict and makes it easy to select which update to keep. During the synchronization process, you may also choose to postpone conflict resolutions to a later time when you perhaps have input as to which change should override an entry. You can make as many replicas of a case as needed and synchronize each file in any order. Replicas can only be synchronized with the master case once, and must be done one at a time.

A data conflict occurs when contradictory changes are made in the master version and in the replica. For example, one person working the master case edits the date of a fact, making it 3/1/99. Another person working in a replica edits the data of the same fact, making it 3/2/99. When the replica and master are synchronized, CaseMap recognizes that there is a conflict between these two data changes.

CaseMap analyzes conflicts at the field level within each record. In other words, if someone changes the date of the fact in the master case and another user changes the Evaluation field status for that same fact, no conflict occurs. Likewise, if someone changes the date of the fact in the master case and another user changes the date of the fact in the replica to the same date, no conflict occurs.

hmtoggle_plus1Follow these guidelines to ensure synchronization success

Reference the following table for guidelines and considerations when replicating and synchronizing cases.

Replication and Synchronization Guidelines and Considerations

Replica copies are made per individual users; users cannot share a copy.

You can make as many replica copies of the master case as needed. You can track replicas in the Synchronization History dialog box accessible from the File menu.

Replica copies can only be synchronized with the master case once. Any edits made in the replica after that need to be manually added to the master case.

Always merge replica copies with the master case when they are returned, regardless if a user says updates were not made to the file. Any updates/conflicts are tracked in the Synchronization utility's Synch History box.

You can synchronize replicas in any order you want. They do not have to be synchronized in the order they were created.

When replicas are distributed, users working the master case are not allowed to delete case issues until all replicas are synchronized with the master.

When working in a replica, users cannot create new fields or add new users to the replica case. These tasks can only be performed in the master case.

Saved views and searches in a replica are lost when you synchronize cases. Keep track of any data that needs to be recreated in the master case.

Exported copies of the case cannot be synchronized with a master case. Only copies made during a replication process can be synchronized.

Convert replicas to create a new master case when a case file corrupts, information is lost on the network, or backups are lost/corrupt.

hmtoggle_plus1Reference specific synchronization rules

Reference the following table for specific rules for users of both the replica and master cases, while a replica copy is checked out. The term "pre-existing" has the following meanings for the replica and master columns in the table below.

Master — Pre-existing: A record or value that exists in one or more replicas that has not been synchronized.
Replica — Pre-existing: A record or value that exists in the master copy of a case.


Synchronization Rules


Master Case

Replica Case

Facts spreadsheet

No Restrictions (NR)

No Restrictions (NR)

Objects spreadsheets

Cannot change the Object Type field for a pre-existing object.

Cannot delete a pre-existing object.

Cannot change the Object Type field for a pre-existing object.

Cannot delete a pre-existing object.

Issue spreadsheet

Cannot delete a pre-existing issue.

Cannot delete a pre-existing issue.

Question spreadsheet



Authority spreadsheet



Authorities and Extracts spreadsheet



Staff dialog box

Cannot delete a pre-existing staff member.

Cannot add, edit, or delete a staff member.

Field Properties

Cannot delete a pre-existing field.

Cannot delete a pre-existing value of a fixed or open-ended list.

Cannot add, rename, or delete fields.

Cannot delete a pre-existing value of a fixed or open-ended list.

File Viewers

Cannot delete a pre-existing viewer.

Cannot delete a pre-existing viewer.

Changes to pre-existing viewers are not synchronized.

DocManager annotations


Cannot delete annotations in a replica that already exist or were created in the master case.

Can delete an annotation in a replica that was created in the replica.

Cannot synchronize edits, when edits are made to the same annotation that already exists in the replica and the master case. Annotations will be merged in the Edit Annotations dialog box with the replica annotation displaying the short name of the user who made the edit.

Spreadsheet Views


Changes are not synchronized.

Case Properties


Changes are not synchronized.

Saved Searches


Changes are not synchronized.

Related Files


Changes are not synchronized.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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