Registering the CaseMap Server in CaseMap

If you are using CaseMap with CaseMap Server and did not register a server during CaseMap installation, you will need to register a CaseMap Server in the client application in order for users to access SQL cases in CaseMap.

For more information about CaseMap Server, refer to the CaseMap Server documentation.


hmtoggle_plus1To register a CaseMap Server in CaseMap
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.In the Options dialog box, click the CaseMap Servers tab.

Tools Options Menu

3.Click the Add button.
4.In the New CaseMap Server dialog box, type in the client server address in the Server Name field.


5.In the Server URL field, type in the path to the server, then click OK.

For example: http://[Your Server Name Here]/CMServer/CMServerClient.svc.

6.Click OK when you are finished.

The server you registered now displays in the Registered CaseMap Servers box.

hmtoggle_plus1To edit a CaseMap Server in CaseMap
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.In the Options dialog box, click the CaseMap Servers tab.

Tools > Options

3.In the Registered CaseMap Servers box, select the server you want to edit.
4.Click the Edit button.
5.In the Edit CaseMap Server dialog box, modify the server name or server URL, then click OK.

The changes now display in the Registered CaseMap Servers box.

6.Click OK to save your changes.
hmtoggle_plus1To remove a registered server in CaseMap
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.In the Options dialog box, click the CaseMap Servers tab.

Tools > Options tab

3.In the Registered CaseMap Servers box, select the server you want to remove.
4.Click the Remove button.

The selected server no longer displays in the Registered CaseMap Servers box.

5.Click OK to save your changes.


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