About online research

CaseMap has convenient access to LexisNexis' integrated legal research tools built into case spreadsheets and toolbars so you can access information you need for case discovery and analysis. Access to LexisNexis online research depends on whether you have subscribed to these services.


LexisNexis online research options include:

LexisNexis Analyzer
LexisNexis Dossier Suite
LexisNexis Expert Research On-Demand
Shepard's Citations Service




In CaseMap, these features access Internet web sites. You must have access to the Internet to use these features. Click on the links above to learn more about each product or service, or contact your CaseMap account representative at 866-316-8525.


hmtoggle_plus1Access research tools from specific spreadsheets

Research menus are available on the following spreadsheets:

All Objects
Research - Authorities
Research - Authorities and Extracts


Research menus are accessible in two places for the same record:

Full Name field by clicking the drop-down menu CM_research_menu_cell
Standard toolbar by clicking on the Research button CM_research_menu_button

The same menu is accessed from both locations. Research menus differ depending on which type of case record you are working on. For example, the Research menu options for the Authorities spreadsheet are different than those for the Organizations spreadsheet.



On the Persons spreadsheet you have different Research menus and options depending on the type of person your entry in the Type+ field and the case record selection. For example, Type+ field entries may categorize the person as a Fact Witness, Expert Witness, Attorney, Judge, Arbitrator, and Mediator.


The Type+ field entry will trigger CaseMap to offer the appropriate menu selections for your online search — as long as you include the keywords "expert", "attorney", "counsel", "lawyer", "judge", "arbitrator", or "mediator". For example, "Expert Witness" and "Ballistics Expert" both indicate an expert type. "CoCounsel" and "Opposing Counsel" both indicate an attorney type.


hmtoggle_plus1View the online research options

Reference the following table to learn what online research options you can perform.

Online Research Options

Button and Menu Items


Research Expert



Find this person using Lexis.com.


Run a Background Check using Lexis.com.


Run a Guided Public Records Search using Lexis.com.

Opens a dialog box in which you can select the public records source to search.


Request a Testimonial History Report using the LexisNexis IDEX Network.


Run a Litigation Profile Report using LexisNexis CourtLink.


Run an Expert Witness Analyzer Report using LexisNexis Analyzer.


Search Dockets & Documents using LexisNexis CourtLink.

Research Judge



Run a Judge Analyzer Report using LexisNexis Analyzer.


Run a Judicial Litigation Profile Report using LexisNexis CourtLink.


Search Dockets & Documents using LexisNexis CourtLink.

Research Organization



Find this Company using Lexis.com.


Run a Company Background Check using Lexis.com.


Run a Guided Public Records Search using Lexis.com.


Run a Company Dossier Report using Lexis.com.


Run a Litigation Profile Report using LexisNexis CourtLink.


Run a Company Analyzer Report using LexisNexis Analyzer.


Search Dockets & Documents using LexisNexis CourtLink.

Research Authority



Get this document using Lexis.com.


Shepardize using Lexis.com.


Set up a Shepard's Alert using Lexis.com.

hmtoggle_plus1Contact support and sales


LexisNexis provides toll-free 24/7 customer support centers for all LexisNexis online research products and services. Please use the numbers and/or email addresses below for all questions about online research.

If your question concerns CaseMap or the Send to CaseMap feature using Internet Explorer, please contact CaseMap Support at 904-373-2160 (toll-free at 877-301-0344) or casemap.support@lexisnexis.com.  Hours for live CaseMap Support are 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Eastern Time, Monday-Friday.

Online Research Support Contact Numbers


Phone Number



LexisNexis Analyzer


LexisNexis Dossier




Shepard's Citations, Signals, and Alerts


LexisNexis Expert Research On-Demand






related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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