Entering facts

When you enter facts in the Facts spreadsheet, we recommend that you type using short names so that you automatically link the fact record to any objects already populated in the case.


hmtoggle_plus1To enter facts
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Facts spreadsheet icon.

If this is a new case, a blank fact record automatically displays for you to start entering data.

If this is a populated case, click the New Record button and then click Facts.

2.In the Date & Time cell, type in the date and time the fact occurred.

Enter facts example

3.In the Fact Text cell, type in a short summary of the fact, using short names for objects.

Additional fact information can be added to the Description field for this record.

Notice that when you type using short names you are automatically linking the fact record to objects (people, organizations, documents, etc.)

4.In the Source(s) cell, type the source for this fact (such as Interview Notes).
5.In the Material cell, click No, Unsure, or Yes.
6.In the Status cell, click on the applicable disputed or undisputed status.
7.Click on the New Record button and click Facts to continue entering fact records.

You can also press the Insert key to add a new blank fact record into the spreadsheet.

Record data is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To delete facts
1.In the Facts spreadsheet, click to select the fact record you want to delete.
2.Click the Delete Record button on the Standard toolbar.

The fact record is now permanently deleted from the case.



When you delete a fact record, you also delete links between the fact and any associated case elements. Be sure to make note of any linked data prior to deleting a fact.



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