Finding and replacing data

When you need to locate records containing a specific word or phrase, use the Find feature to search case content. You can also replace text if you need to change the spelling of a word in your case.

You also have the option to search for text that is case sensitive or is a particular groups of words. Selecting case sensitive provides matches of the text when certain characters are capitalized. Selecting the Whole Words Only option allows you to search for a particular word or phrase. For example, if you want to find every occurrence of the whole word "John" in a field, CaseMap locates all instances of both "John" and "Johnson".

When searching for data using the Find feature, you are limited to searching one field at a time. If you need to replace data, you can only do so in fields listed in the Search Field listing. You cannot replace data in the following fields: read-only, fixed lists, open-ended lists, evaluation fields, and check boxes.



CaseMap retains the text which you have used in the Find and Replace dialog boxes during for one user session, regardless of the field or spreadsheet being used. You can still make new selections and complete the find/replace process. When you close CaseMap and reopen it, these dialog boxes will be empty.


hmtoggle_plus1To find/replace data in a field
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Edit menu, click Find.
3.In the Find box, click on the field you want to search in the Search Field.

Find dialog box

4.In the Find What field, type in the text you want to locate.
5.Click either the Find First or Find Next buttons.
Click the Find First button if you want to start searching from the first record in the spreadsheet.
Click the Find Next button if you want to start searching from the record you selected in the spreadsheet. This option will continue the search until it reaches the original record you started with.
6.Click the Replace button if you want to replace the text found with new text.

Replace dialog box

7.In the Replace With field, type in the new text you want to use.
8.Select the Case-Sensitive check box to locate matches of the word(s) and also when those words are capitalized.
9.Select the Whole Words Only check box to locate a particular word or phrase.
10.Click the Replace All button to replace all instances of the text you want to replace.

If the Replace button is grayed out, you have selected a field in which you cannot replace text.

When the find/replace process is complete, a message box details the the number of replacements made for this field.

10.Click OK to continue.

If there are other fields in this spreadsheet that contain the original text you want to replace, you can now continue finding/replacing the text by changing the field selection.

If there are other spreadsheets that include fields in which you want to replace text, then you need to close out of the Find/Replace box and open that spreadsheet before continuing.

11.Click Close when you are finished.


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