About CaseWide

CaseWide is a graph that you can display across the top of the Facts spreadsheet providing you with a visual timeline of the facts in your case so you can see the ebb and flow of case activity. The CaseWide tool allows you to scroll, toggle, and drill-down for different perspectives of your case timeline. CaseWide graphs facts being displayed by the earliest date of a fact in the Facts spreadsheet to latest date displayed in the Facts spreadsheet.  As the date range span changes in the Facts spreadsheet, CaseWide changes in concert. You can also use CaseWide to scroll the Facts spreadsheet so that the first facts appearing in it are those in the selected CaseWide bar. The graph also recalculates each time the Facts spreadsheet is refreshed so you can always quickly review current data in the timeline.


CaseWide timeline graph




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hmtoggle_plus1Review CaseWide's features

Reference the following table for an overview of how to use CaseWide.

CaseWide Overview

View case activity by Year/Month/Day by clicking one the Y/M/D buttons

Adjust your viewing pane height by dragging the split bar lower or higher within the spreadsheet pane

Click on graph bars to view the number of facts calculated for a time period

Toggle the TN? button to open a sidebar graph tracking fuzzy dates

Click on the gridlines button to apply a standard or average line to the graph

Click on the Date Navigator button to enter a specific data value and immediately jump to that period in the timeline

hmtoggle_plus1View fact records by year, month, or day

You can change the CaseWide timeline to view fact records by year, month, or day. In Year view, you can view more than three decades of fact history without need for scrolling.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn how filtering and tagging affect CaseWide's timeline

Search filters and tags impact the CaseWide graph display. Filters reduce the numbers of facts shown in the CaseWide graph. Tags turn CaseWide into a stacked bar chart divided into two sections for tagged and untagged records. The height of the tagged section reflects the percentage of the facts that have been tagged. Place your mouse pointer over the tagged section of a bar to view a screen hint that displays the number of facts in the tagged section and the percentage this number represents of the total facts in the bar.

hmtoggle_plus1Export facts into TimeMap timelines

If you want to create your own robust timeline chronology, you can use CaseMap's companion product, TimeMap®. TimeMap is a timeline graphing tool that allows you to import critical case facts so you can organize and chart them using facts boxes that float above or on either side of a timeline. You can customize the timeline to best suit your needs.

TimeMap timeline

Use TimeMap timelines during meetings to keep clients and staff up to date on case developments. Use TimeMap's presentation mode or enlarge and mount the timelines for use in hearings and during trial so a jury or other large audience can view the facts illustrated into key points.

You can send facts to TimeMap in two ways:

1.Group of Facts: Send a group of facts by filtering the Facts spreadsheet to display only the facts you want to chart.  On the Reports menu, click Send Current View To and then click LexisNexis TimeMap.
2.Individual Facts: Right-click a fact record in the Facts spreadsheet and click Send To > LexisNexis TimeMap > Current Record on the submenu.



You can also send record from the Documents and Events object spreadsheets to TimeMap to make timeline graphs. Ensure you have the Date field dispplaying in spreadsheet view, then follow the instructions for sending a group of facts (#1 above).


To learn more about TimeMap or download a trial version, visit www.lexisnexis.com or contact your LexisNexis Sales Representative.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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