About case templates

Creating and using case templates allows your organization to streamline the case set-up process. When you build a CaseMap case that works well for a particular type of case, you may want to use the same structure and information for other similar cases in your organization. If you intend to create and save multiple templates, it's best if you have naming conventions in place for the types of templates you are storing so users can identify them easily. You may create multiple case templates, but you can only create one new case at a time using a template.


Creating case templates is beneficial when you:

Handle many cases of a particular type where you work with recurring issues, research, or other data
Have the same case staff working on every CaseMap case or particular types of cases


When you create a template from an existing case, users and fields import into the new template structure. You can then use options in the Template Wizard to determine what facts, objects, issues, questions, and research records you want to preserve in the new template.


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