Backing up a case file

Use the Backup and Restore utility to back up your case for data protection, and before sending it to clients and other case staff. In order to back up a case, you need to have it open in CaseMap.


hmtoggle_plus1To back up a case file
1.In CaseMap, open the case you want to back up.
2.On the Tools menu, click Backup and Restore.
3.In the Backup and Restore wizard, select Backup, and then click Next.
4.In the Select Case to Back Up dialog box, click Browse to navigate to the case you want to back up, then click Open.
5.In the Select destination directory area, click Browse to set the path for the folder where you want to store the  backup case, then click OK.
6.Click Next to continue.
7.In the Specify File Name dialog box, select the naming option you want to use for the file, then click Next.
Click [Case Name] to use the existing case name.
Click Copy of [Case Name] [Date & Time] to prefix the case name with "Copy of" and append to it the current date and time.
Click Custom to type the name of the case you want to use in the Save backup file as dialog box.
8.Next review the backup and destination directory information you have entered and click Finish.

When the process completes, you receive a message box displaying the compression size and ratio for the backup case file.

9.Click Close when you are finished.


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