TextMap App for iPad       Release Notes

Version 1.2

Version 1.2

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Version 1.2

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The following issues were resolved in the TextMap App for iPad version 1.2 released August 6, 2013:


hmtoggle_plus1Importing some transcripts caused the app to freeze

The TextMap app froze when trying to import transcripts with lines longer than 70 characters. It will make the font smaller to fit the longest line on the screen. Rotating to landscape orientation will make the text larger.

hmtoggle_plus1Search hit highlights were not cleared when importing a new case

Search hit highlights for the previously opened case were still visible after importing a new case.  Closing and reopening the case cleared the incorrect display.

hmtoggle_plus1File sharing was enabled in iTunes

The TextMap app was visible in the File Sharing area of iTunes when it should not have been. The app does not currently support transferring files to the iPad via iTunes.