Version 4.0 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to TextMap version 4.0:


hmtoggle_plus1Choose an annotation mode

TextMap now offers you a choice of three Annotation modes: Manual, Auto-Annotate and Auto-Send to CaseMap. If you know you are going to send all the passages you are annotating to CaseMap, then use the Auto-Send to CaseMap mode as your default setting to save time and keystrokes. If you are just marking up a transcript for a deposition summary, try using the Auto-Annotate mode to launch a dialog for your notes and issue coding. You can alternate which mode you want to use, depending on how you want to work.

hmtoggle_plus1Issue-code annotations

You can now issue-code annotations to one or more case issues. Issues can be color-coded, and color-coded passages print in color in reports. You can also print filtered reports so only annotations associated with specific issues are included.

If you are using TextMap and CaseMap together, you can import your issue outline from a corresponding CaseMap case. If you are not using CaseMap, then you can define and work with a new issue outline in TextMap.

Additionally, you can create categorizing issues (e.g. Background) that you want to use only in TextMap and not in CaseMap's Issues spreadsheet.

hmtoggle_plus1Print new reports from the Reports menu

TextMap now has a Reports menu that includes many new reports you can print, including a ReportBook that allows you to print multiple transcripts with an optional title page and table of contents.

The Word Index report is a listing of all words in a transcript. Single transcript and multiple transcript reports both offer case index reports. The Case Index report includes a cover sheet for the transcript(s). You have the option to include a title page, statement of confidentiality, and introduction.
The Footnotes Report captures annotations and associated notes and appends them to the bottom portion of a condensed transcript page, sequentially numbered. If you have more notes than will fit on the page, TextMap starts a new page of notes so that all your work is included in logical sequence.
The Endnotes Report allows you to print out a transcript in which all annotations are numbered and organized along with all notes after the body of the transcript. The Endnotes Report is available for both full and condensed transcripts.
The Note-Taking Report make it easy for those working with paper transcripts to annotate key passages.  Then the notes can be transcribed into the TextMap case by another case staffer.
The What's New Annotation Digest report includes annotations that have been created on or after a date that you specify. The report lets you choose whether to include annotations updated since the chosen date.
The Search Notes report contains results of searches for words or phrases in annotations. You can choose to filter your search by linked issues and to include information from linked CaseMap facts.
hmtoggle_plus1Print reports to PDF with Adobe Acrobat integration

TextMap's integration with Adobe® Acrobat® allows you to print reports to PDF without having an Acrobat license. When you print to PDF, the reports also includes a word index for all transcripts in the report. The word index is linked to each word in the transcript(s).

You can email PDF reports to your clients and they can click on words in the PDF to jump to the page containing that word or phrase. Additionally, bookmarks are included that make it easy to navigate to index pages containing words of interest. ReportBooks (multiple transcript reports) have bookmarks linking to each ReportBook section and hyperlinks from the Table of Contents to each page.

hmtoggle_plus1Add title pages to reports

You can now add title pages to any report, creating a more polished work product with virtually no effort. You can also include graphics such as your organization's logo. This feature parallels the title page features found in our TimeMap timeline graphing tool and our CaseMap case analysis tool.

hmtoggle_plus1Send annotations to Word

You can now send selected deposition quotes and notes to your word processor for use in briefs, motions and other work product.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn about other new features

Other new TextMap v4.0 features include:

Searching for annotation notes that include specific words and create reports based on the results.
Live spell-checking as you type your notes in annotations.
Modifying the number of lines that print above and below a word hit on Word Search reports.