Version 7.0, Build 253

The following enhancements are included in the TextMap version 7.0 (Build 253) released February 24, 2014:


hmtoggle_plus1Search annotation notes and linked issues

TextMap's enhanced searching now allows you to search annotation note text and linked issues while also searching transcript text. When searching annotations, you have the option to narrow the search to include only annotations linked to specific issues. Search results display in the Search pane located on the bottom right of TextMap. Annotation search hits will print in the Search Report and are organized by transcript.

hmtoggle_plus1Search linked exhibits

TextMap's enhanced searching now allows you to search linked exhibits along with the transcript text and annotation notes. TextMap automatically processes scanned exhibits with optical character recognition (OCR) processing in the background so that exhibit text is searchable. Search results display in the Search pane on the bottom right of TextMap. Search hits for linked exhibits will print in the Search Report and are organized by transcript.

hmtoggle_plus1Use Q & A pairs to provide context around search hits in transcripts and in search reports

When printing search reports, you now have the option to include Q & A pairs to provide context for search hits. Use this feature in conjunction with the option to select the number of context lines that print in the report before and after transcript text and exhibit search hits.

hmtoggle_plus1Customize the order of sections printing in Annotation Digests

The Annotation Digest ReportBook Wizard now allows you to customize the order of annotation sections when printing Annotation Digests. You can change the order in which transcript text, annotation notes, linked issues, and linked files print. You can still choose to hide sections that you do not want included in the report. TextMap will automatically recall your selected settings the next time you run the report.

hmtoggle_plus1Organize the Transcripts pane by transcript group

The Transcripts pane now allows you to display transcripts by groups. Simply right-click on the unassigned transcripts and click Add Transcript to Group.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the same exhibit name in multiple transcripts

TextMap now allows you to use duplicate exhibit names in different transcripts in the same case. TextMap store exhibits in a transcript-specific folder when importing a transcript packaged with exhibits. You can sort the list by transcript when viewing a list of all case exhibits in the Linked Exhibits dialog box.

hmtoggle_plus1Filter transcripts by name

You can now easily locate a transcript in large cases by typing in any part of the transcript name in the Filter Transcript List by Name box in the Transcripts pane. A minimum of 30 transcripts must be imported into the case before the Filter Transcripts by Name box displays in the Transcripts pane. You can modify or disable this setting.

hmtoggle_plus1Use the same name for multiple transcripts

TextMap no longer requires that you name transcripts with unique names within the same case.

hmtoggle_plus1Start reviewing testimony with improved indexing performance

TextMap now indexes transcripts, annotations, and linked exhibits in the background so you no longer have to wait for indexing during the import process. TextMap's improved indexing capabilities can now accommodate larger cases by indexing them faster.