Version 6.2, Build 66

The following enhancements are included in the TextMap version 6.2 (Build 66) released April 29, 2013:


hmtoggle_plus1Review and annotate transcripts on your iPad

TextMap now allows users to review and annotate transcripts on an Apple® iPad®. Download the free TextMap app for iPad from the App Store and then email the case transcripts needed for review. Simply open the email attachment on the iPad to import the case. After annotating the transcripts, simply email the updates from the iPad to import them into the master case in TextMap. See the About the TextMap App for iPad topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Run new searches on previously selected transcripts

TextMap now automatically recalls selected transcripts from the last search making it easier to run multiple searches against the same transcripts. This feature is individual to each user for the current TextMap session. If no searches have been run in the current session, TextMap will default to searching all transcripts. About searching.