Version 5.5 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to TextMap version 5.5:


hmtoggle_plus1Export video clips to .WMV file or PowerPoint

You can now take key testimony from a deposition and transfer the video clip, including the page/line reference number and text of the clip, to a PowerPoint® slide presentation. You also have the option of saving video clips to free-standing Windows Media Viewer (.wmv) files for use in trial presentation software.

hmtoggle_plus1Account for un-numbered pages during transcript import

TextMap now automatically accounts for front and back un-numbered pages during transcript import.  Cover sheets and appendices do not affect the numbering of testimony pages. Users have advanced options during import for adjusting the number of non-numbered pages. Un-numbered pages display in search results, the Exhibits pane, and in many reports simply as "-".

hmtoggle_plus1Resize the Transcript pane

The Transcripts pane (on the left) can now be resized vertically and horizontally to accommodate viewing longer lists of transcripts.

hmtoggle_plus1Enable realtime transcript viewing with CaseViewNet

Enable realtime transcript viewing in TextMap using CaseViewNet™ Realtime. When installing TextMap, you now have the option to install a free copy of CaseViewNet™, a transcript viewer made by Stenograph, LLC. CaseViewNet provides interactive real-time access to testimony through a court reporter’s private WiFi network or a wired connection. CaseViewNet has RapidRefresh™ to instantly update all edits during a session.

The CaseViewNet and TextMap integration allows you to import a transcript into TextMap during a deposition so you can start annotating and issue linking. When you're ready to import the transcript from CaseViewNet to TextMap just click the Send-To-TextMap button on the toolbar.

hmtoggle_plus1Password protect cases

You can now password protect TextMap cases by adding individual users. Once case staff are added as users, a Case Log-in dialog box displays each time the case is opened, requiring a user log on and password. Adding case staff makes the case file accessible only to TextMap users.

hmtoggle_plus1Create new cases with a case wizard

The New Case Wizard guides you through the setup of creating a new case in TextMap.

hmtoggle_plus1Convert existing cases

You can now convert previous version cases to the new TextMap v5.5 file format. Previous version case users will still be able to access the case file, but won't have TextMap v5.0 features like exhibit linking and video support, as well as the new TextMap 5.5 features. If and when you add staff members to the case, it will only be accessible to TextMap 5.5 users.