Version 5.0 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to TextMap version 5.0:


hmtoggle_plus1Improved exhibit linking options, and more

TextMap now offers five flexible ways to link transcripts from case depositions, examinations and other proceedings to case exhibits and other documents. You also now have the ability to play deposition video synched with text.

Auto-link exhibit references in your transcripts to exhibits using a wizard. There's no need to pay for separate linking software.
Create individual hyperlinks from any text in your transcript to electronic exhibit files, other documents and web pages.
Link annotations to other document files; make an unlimited number of links per annotation.
Get visual cues (paper clips) indicating linked exhibits and files next to a passage with a linked file.
Embed linked exhibits in PDF transcript and annotation reports.
Work easily in transcripts offline with a utility that supports taking copies of linked exhibits and files offline in a case replica.
Make the most of real-time transcript feeds to TextMap. This feature is available through CaseViewNet™ from Stenograph, providing exclusive RapidRefresh™ technology for automatic updates throughout the day-whether your court reporter uses a wireless connection or a serial feed.