Version 7.2, Build 510

The following resolved issues have been added to TextMap version 7.2 (Build 510) released August 27, 2014:


hmtoggle_plus1Transcript listing report was incorrect for cases with more than 30 transcripts

The report listed the correct transcripts on the first page but repeated the contents of the first page on all subsequent pages, instead of displaying the correct transcripts on those pages.

hmtoggle_plus1TextMap did not import the video information for some transcripts when converting cases from LiveNote

Following import, TextMap did not recognize these imported transcripts as video transcripts. Now, all video transcripts with valid video synchronization information should be imported correctly.

hmtoggle_plus1Converting a LiveNote case to TextMap may fail due to a case optimization error

This issue seemed to occur relatively infrequently, but it did prevent the successful completion of the conversion process. Running the conversion again worked around the problem.