Version 6.1, Build 215

The following resolved issues have been added to TextMap version 6.1 (Build 215) released March 23, 2012:


hmtoggle_plus1TextMap cases with thousands of linked documents took a long time to close

Resolved an issue where a TextMap case with thousands of documents and hyperlinks took a long time to close. TextMap appeared frozen while processing the documents before closing the case.

hmtoggle_plus1TextMap did not remove timestamps from plain text transcript lines on import

Resolved an issue where TextMap did not remove timestamps from transcript lines when importing plain text transcripts. This resolution does not handle Portable Transcript Format or Portable Case Format transcripts.

hmtoggle_plus1TextMap orphaned annotations containing phonetic spellings of names

Resolved an issue where TextMap did not locate annotated text in the final version of a transcript when annotations contained phonetically spelled names in the rough draft. TextMap moved the original annotations to the first line of the transcript indicating that they were orphaned. The annotations should not have been orphaned based on the differences between the rough and final versions.