Version 6.0, Build 126

The following enhancements have been added to TextMap version 6.0 (Build 126) released March 7, 2011:


hmtoggle_plus1Host cases on Microsoft SQL Server

Before TextMap v6.0, TextMap stored case information in Microsoft® Access databases. Our LexisNexis TextMap development staff has now customized the appearance and ease-of-use of these files to make them uniquely TextMap. Most users save the cases on a shared network server for multi-user access and backup security.

TextMap v6.0 introduces case files that can be created and stored on SQL Server, making it easier, more robust and scalable to sort out case data and relationships. Don't worry if your organization does not have a SQL Server.  There's no need to buy one and set it up because TextMap v6.0 still creates cases that can be stored locally on a regular network server.

For more information on specific features, see the CaseMap Server help system.

IT and Litigation Support Professionals asked for greater security for TextMap cases and TextMap v6.0 delivers. Organizations that use TextMap and install the CaseMap Server and CaseMap Admin Console are able to centrally control the creation of new SQL cases and assign users to cases. Administrators are able to assign specific permissions for case staff. Permissions are assigned to a user via roles. Users will have the same set of permissions when assigned to single or multiple SQL cases. For example, some users may be able to enter data on a case but are not able to create or delete custom fields.

Large organizations share cases over a wide area network (WAN). The cases often grow over time into large files. TextMap v6.0 SQL cases provide faster performance over a WAN and easily handle large amounts of case data — even if case staff are working in the same case while some are located in New York and others in Los Angeles.

There is no additional cost for TextMap v6.0 and the SQL components required to enable a SQL server to host TextMap cases. If your organization has TextMap subscriptions that are current, you have the option to use TextMap v6.0 and the SQL features.

For sales questions, please contact your LexisNexis CaseMap account representative at 866-316-8525 or send email to

For technical support, please please call 877-301-0344.  International users please call 904-373-2160.  Hours for live support are 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Eastern U.S. time.  Or send an email to


hmtoggle_plus1Full-Text Searching

TextMap now offers full-text search capabilities, allowing users to write queries using search operators. As confidence is gained with writing and running search queries, learn how to formulate complex queries using a combination of operators to create smarter searches with stronger results.

A Short Name Assistance tool has also been added to all advanced search boxes so that search terms can be filled in faster using entries from the case's word index.

For more information, see the About advanced searching, Using search operators, and Running advanced searches topics.

Save searches so they can be re-run or edited later when writing new advanced, full-text search queries — saving data entry time. Searches are saved to one of two Favorites folders: All Users' Favorites or My Favorites (personal searches). See the Saving searches topic.

TextMap now stores search history for up to 30 days. Search history for each stored query includes the query text and the date/time the search was run. View and reference search history from the Advanced Search dialog box. Search history is individual to each user ID. See the Viewing search history topic.

TextMap now includes a global thesaurus that helps process full-text search queries using the LIKE operator. Search results will include synonyms found in the global thesaurus or case thesaurus. See the Adding terms to the case thesaurus topic.



Import transcripts faster with TextMap's improved indexing capabilities. While this process is running, continue reviewing and annotating transcripts. When the process completes, the Word Search pane will be populated with all indexed words from the imported transcripts. Full-text searching can the be performed on updated case data. See the About the case index topic.

Imported transcripts now include a Creation Time Stamp and a Last Update Time Stamp. The date and time for each transcript display in the Transcript List. This feature is turned on by default. Turn off the date or time display by clicking on the Tools menu and selecting Options. In the Transcripts tab, clear the Show transcript date or Show transcript time check boxes. See the Importing transcripts and Changing case options topics.

Sort the Transcripts List in alphabetical order and by date and time. The date and time displays to the left of the transcript name in the Transcripts List. The date/time display option is useful when a case contains multiple depositions from the same person. TextMap saves the sort order last used. See the Sorting transcripts topic.

Change the height or width of the Transcripts List for better viewing. Simply drag the panel's split bars to the left or right, or up or down until the right view is achieved. See the Resizing the Transcripts List topic.

Choose whether to display the transcript page number in the left margin of the transcript window next to the first line number on each page. Select this setting from the Tools menu by clicking Options. On the Transcripts tab, select the Show page number in the gutter area check box to enable this setting. This option is turned off by default. See the Changing case options topic.

Organize transcripts into groups so that searching can be done on subsets of transcripts as opposed to all transcripts in the case. Once a transcript group has been created, select those groups when running searches or reports, limiting search results to just the relevant transcripts. See the Creating transcript groups topic.

When importing transcripts, TextMap now scans the first two pages of a transcript to locate a date. TextMap will use the first date it finds as the transcript default date and display it in the Transcript Import Preview dialog box. This date can be edited if needed. See the Importing transcripts topic.



Sort the Annotations List simply by clicking on a column header. An arrow displays on the selected column header to indicate how annotation data is being sorted and whether it's displaying in ascending or descending order. This functionality is also available in the following dialog boxes and wizard pages: Import Case, Linked Documents, Create Replica Wizard, and Auto Link Exhibit Wizard. See the Viewing annotations topic.

The Annotation List now has a new column, Created By, in which the annotation creator or owner can easily be identified. Annotations that display "unknown" in the Created By column may be imported annotations. These annotations can now be assigned to a case user. See the Viewing annotations topic.

The Annotations List now displays a count and filter status in the top right corner showing at a glance how many annotations exist for the current transcript and whether a filter is running. The count and filter status update as different transcripts are viewed, filters are run or canceled, and annotations added or deleted. See the Viewing annotations topic.

View annotation history to find out who created an annotation and who last updated it. Double-click on an annotation in the Annotation List to open the Edit Annotation dialog box and access the Update History tab. See the Editing annotations topic.

Filter annotations by creator or linked issues. See the Filtering annotations topic.

Annotations and notes can now be sent directly to CaseMap's Fact Text field using the Send to CaseMap feature. A new fact record is created in the Facts spreadsheet and the note displays directly above the annotation text (enclosed in brackets). See the Creating annotations and Editing annotations topics.

If color annotations are hard on the eyes during transcript review, the highlight setting can be turned off. The colored text is immediately hidden from view and annotations are identified by the yellow note icon located in the transcript gutter. Toggle this feature on or off from the View menu by clicking Highlight Annotations. The setting change only applies to the current TextMap session. The next time the case is opened, the annotation color highlights will display. See the Creating annotations topic.

Overlapping annotations now display with colored, vertical bars to the right of the transcript with each bar spanning the length of the selected text. Each colored bar is stacked beside the next to identify where one annotation starts and the next one begins. If the annotation is associated with a linked issue, the bar reflects the issue code color. Overlapping annotation bars printed in both full-size and condensed reports, as well as single or multiple transcript and end note options. See the About annotations topic.

Using the Change Annotations' Owner wizard to change the creator or owner of annotation from one case user to another. This feature is helpful when a user is no longer working on the case and the annotation needs to be assigned to another user. It is also useful when annotations display a Created By status of "unknown", the annotations can then be assigned to a case user. See the Changing annotation owners topic.

Use the new Import Annotations Wizard to import annotations into existing transcripts. This new wizard imports page/line number and any notes, and provides the ability to link annotations to case issues. See the Importing annotations topic.

The Annotation Digest Report Wizard now includes an Annotation page and line number check box to easily verify that the information is printed in the report. This new check box is also included in the following report wizards: Annotation Digest Report Wizard, all three Annotation Digest ReportBook Wizards, and the Microsoft® Word® ReportBook Wizard. See the Printing Annotation Digests topic.

The Annotation Digest Report now includes a new page, Group Annotations by Issue, when choosing to print to Microsoft® Word. When this option is selected (selected by default), annotations will be printed for each linked issue. Because of this, annotations may be printed in the report multiple times for each issue. Issues that have no linked annotations will be skipped. In the report, annotations are printed in page and line order under the linked issue. See the Printing Annotation Digests topic.

All three Annotation Digest ReportBooks no longer print a blank title page or a blank annotations page when transcripts without annotations are included in the report. This functionality does not apply to Microsoft Word report options. See the Printing Annotation Digests topic.



Specify the network folder where exhibit files for SQL cases need to be stored. Exhibit files and other case files should be stored in a network folder so other case users can access them. Permission must be granted in the CaseMap Admin Console to use this feature. See the Changing exhibit file paths topic.

Import TextMap Exhibit Packages (XMEF files) with linked exhibits into a SQL case. During the import process, TextMap displays a message where the exhibits path folder for the case can be selected. See the Importing exhibit packages topic.

Export transcripts to a portable case format (PCF) file. A new Export Case dialog box provides the option to export all transcripts in the case or select individual transcripts. See Exporting transcripts topic.

Sort exhibits and videos by exhibit number, if an exhibit number is applied to the file. In previous TextMap versions, exhibits and videos only displayed in the Exhibits and Videos panel in alphabetical order. See Viewing and opening exhibits topic.

TextMap now supports Esquire Video Project (EVP) file formats, allowing the import of EVP files from a CD with linked exhibits with or without videos. An EVP file can also be imported from the folder location where the exhibits and videos are saved. See the About importing data topics.



See the Annotations section in this topic for Annotation Digest Reports and ReportBooks enhancements.