Searching for words or phrases

You can search for a word or phrase across all of the transcripts in the case. The TextMap app will only find phrases where all of the words are on the same line.



The TextMap app does not support the same advanced searching (with Boolean and other operators) that the TextMap desktop application supports. The TextMap app always searches all transcripts in the case. For more complex searches, run them in the desktop application.



hmtoggle_plus1To search for a word or phrase
1.Tap on the Search button Search button on the left navigation bar.
2.Tap in the Search box and type the word or phrase you want to find.

Search box

3.Tap the Search key on the on-screen keyboard.

Search results display in the Search pane.

4.In the Search pane, tap on a page/line number to jump to that location in the transcript.

Search pane with search results

Search hits are highlighted and display as raised in the transcript.


5.Tap on a transcript to collapse search results.

Search pane > search results

Each transcript displays the number of search hits.

6.Tap on a transcript to display search results by page/line number.


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