Editing transcript properties

Once transcripts are imported you can view or edit transcript properties for the date/time, comments, video files, and the transcript ID and signature.


hmtoggle_plus1To view or edit transcript properties
1.On the View ribbon, click Transcript Properties to open the Transcript Properties dialog box.
2.In the Date box, notice that the date is automatically filled in for you.

Transcript Properties

You can modify this date as needed.

3.In the Time box, type  in the time, then select AM or PM from the list.

Notice that the Include Date & Time box is selected by default. Clear this check box if you do not want the date/time to display in the Transcripts pane along with the transcript name.

4.In the Comments box, type in any relevant information about the transcript.
5.Click Advanced button if you want to view or modify the transcript ID and signature.
6.Click OK to save your changes.


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