Using keyboard shortcuts

TextMap offers numerous keyboard shortcuts for the application, transcripts, annotations, dialog boxes, and lists, and for searching and editing transcripts. You can also create your own keyboard shortcut and edit existing shortcuts.

You can print a hard copy of the keyboard shortcuts for reference by printing the TextMap Quick Reference Card.


Available Keyboard Shortcuts:


The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for the software application.


Keyboard Shortcuts: General

Shortcut Keys



Opens online help.


Opens Transcript Properties dialog box.

Alt + F1

View or hide the Navigation pane when transcript is open.

Ctrl + 2

Opens the Exhibits and Video pane in the Navigation pane.

Ctrl + 3

Opens Annotation Detail in the Navigation pane.

Ctrl + 6

Opens and closes the Annotations pane.

Shift + F10

Displays the shortcut (right-click) menu that includes the Send Transcript to CaseMap, Hyperlink, Send To, and Annotation Mode functions.

Ctrl + N

Creates a new case. Closes your current case.

Ctrl + O

Opens a message box to register a CaseMap Server.


hmtoggle_plus1Dialog Box

The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for dialog boxes.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Dialog Boxes

Shortcut Keys



Toggles the state of check boxes or option boxes.


Cancels out of dialog boxes.


Moves cursor to the last item in a list.


Moves cursor left to right and top to bottom.

Shift + Tab

Moves cursor right to left and bottom to top.

Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow

Moves cursor one word at time left or right.

Ctrl + Shift + Left

or Right Arrow

Selects one word at a time to the left or right of cursor.


Deletes the characters or contents of a text box.



The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for lists.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Lists

Shortcut Keys



Moves cursor to the first item in a list.


Moves cursor to the last item in a list.


Moves cursor to the left or right of an item in a list.



The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for annotations.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Annotations

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + F7

Displays first annotation in the Annotations pane.


Displays previous annotation in the Annotations pane.

Ctrl + F8

Displays last annotation in the Annotations pane.


Displays next annotation in the Annotations pane.



The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for transcripts. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Transcripts

Shortcut Keys



Moves cursor to the beginning of a line.


Moves cursor to the end of a line.

Ctrl + Home

Moves cursor to the beginning of the transcript.

Ctrl + End

Moves cursor to the end of the transcript.


Open the New Annotation dialog box when text is selected.

Ctrl + F

Opens the Find dialog box.

Ctrl + G

Opens the Go To dialog box.

Ctrl + I

Sends information to CaseMap when text is selected.

Ctrl + K

Opens new hyperlink wizard when text is selected.

Shift + F10

Displays the right-click menu when text is selected.

Left or Right Arrow

Moves cursor to left or right.

Up or Down Arrow

Moves cursor up or down.

Ctrl + Shift + Left or Right Arrow

Selects letters to left or right of cursor.

Ctrl + Shift + Up

or Down Arrow

Selects lines to the left or right of the cursor to the beginning or the end of the line.

Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow

Moves cursor one word at time left or right.


hmtoggle_plus1Transcripts pane

The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for navigating transcripts in the Transcripts pane. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Transcripts pane

Shortcut Keys


Left Arrow

Collapses a selected transcript group when the group name is selected.

Right Arrow

Expands a selected transcript group when the group name is selected.

Up or Down Arrow + Enter

Navigates transcripts within the Transcript pane. Press Enter to display the selected transcript in the Transcripts window.



The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for searching. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Search

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + 2

Cancels out of message boxes.

Ctrl + S

Moves cursor to the last item in a list.


hmtoggle_plus1Search Results

The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for search results. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Search Results

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + F4

Moves cursor to first result.


Moves cursor to previous search result.

Ctrl + F5

Moves cursor to last result.


Moves cursor to next search result.



The following list includes the default keyboard shortcuts you can use in TextMap for editing. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Editing

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + A

Selects all the text in a transcript.

Ctrl + C

Copies selected text in a transcript to the clipboard.

Ctrl + Alt + C

Copies selected text in a transcript, including page line to the clipboard.

Ctrl + V

Pastes text from the clipboard.



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