Finding words in transcripts

When you need to locate records containing a specific word or phrase, use the Find feature to search case content.

You also have the option to search for text that is case sensitive or is a particular groups of words. Selecting case sensitive provides matches of the text when certain characters are capitalized. Selecting the Match whole word only option allows you to search for a particular word or phrase. For example, if you want to find every occurrence of the whole word "John" in a field, TextMap locates all instances of both "John" and "Johnson".

When searching for data using the Find feature, you are limited to searching one transcript at a time. TextMap retains the last search you used in the Find dialog box for one user session. When you close TextMap and reopen it, the Find dialog box will be empty.


hmtoggle_plus1To find a word in a transcript
1.On the Home ribbon, click the Find button, and then on the submenu, click Find.

You can also click the Find button on the Create & Edit tab located on the Text & Video Tools ribbon.

Find dialog box

2.In the Find dialog box, type the word you want to locate in the Find What field.
3.Select the Match whole word only or Match case check boxes if you want to narrow the search.
4.Click Find Next to locate the next instance of the word in the transcript.

You can also click the Find button on the Create & Edit tab, and then click Find Next.

5.In the message box to search the next transcript, click Yes.
6.Continue until you have searched all necessary transcripts, then click Cancel.


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