Export Exhibits, Media Clips, and Playlists

If you want to work with exhibits, media clips, or playlists outside of Sanction, you can export these kinds of items. These options are available:

When you export exhibits, you can burn in the annotations so that they appear on the exhibit images that are exported.
When exporting exhibits, you can also choose whether to export them using the same format they were in when they were imported, or you can export exhibits as PDF files.
You also export duration list reports. For more information, see: Duration List Reports.
hmtoggle_plus1To export exhibits
1.Do one of the following:
On the FILE tab, in the Info area, and then click Export
On the HOME tab, click Export.
2.Click Exhibits.

The Welcome dialog box opens.

3.Click Next.


4.Open the folder that has the exhibits that you want to export.
5.Do either of the following, depending on what you want to export. 
Click Add All to add all the listed items.
Select individual files or folders and then click Add Selected. 
After adding items, you can remove them as needed from the queue. To remove one or more items, CTRL+click or SHIFT+click items and then click Remove Selected. To remove all items, click Remove All.

Items that are ready to be exported and are listed in the right panel of the dialog box.

6.Click Next

The Select... dialog box opens.


7.Select options as follows:
Destination. Select the default, which is to the Documents folder for the currently logged in Windows user, or click Browse and then select a different folder.
Burn-in options. These options control whether annotations that have been applied to exhibits are saved to the page images on exported files. 
oAll Layers. Saves all the annotations found on all layers to page images. 
oLayer 1 Only. Saves all exhibit stamps plus any the annotations found on layer 1 to page images.
oNo Burn-In. Prevents annotations and exhibit stamps from being saved on the image files. This is the default option.
Export to native or PDF. This option is available in the section marked, "How would you like to export your exhibits?"
oConvert all exhibits to PDF. Each exhibit in the export set is exported as a separate PDF file.
oKeep original file type(s) on export. Each exhibit is exported using the file format it had when imported. 
8.Click Next.
9.In the Ready to Export dialog box, review your selections and then click Next.

 The export proceeds, and then the Export Confirmation dialog box opens. 

10.Click Close to finish the wizard.
hmtoggle_plus1To export media clips
1.Do one of the following:
On the FILE tab, click Info, and then click Export.
Select the HOME tab and then click Export.
1.To export exhibits, click Exhibits, to export media clips, click Media Clips.

The Welcome dialog box opens.

2.Click Next.


3.Do either of the following, depending on what you want to export.
Click Add All to add all the listed items.
Select individual files or folders and then click Add Selected.

Items that are ready to be exported and are listed in the right panel of the dialog box.

4.Click Next.

The Select Destination Location dialog box opens.


5.Accept the default export path or click Browse to select a different folder. When ready, click Next.
6.In the Ready to Export dialog box. click Next.

The Export Confirmation dialog box opens.

7.Click Close.
hmtoggle_plus1To export playlists
1.On the HOME tab, in the Share group, click Export.
2.Click Playlists.


The export wizard starts.

3.Click Next.
4.Do either of the following, depending on what you want to export.
Click Add All to add all the listed items.
Select individual files or folders and then click Add Selected.

Items that will be exported now appear in the right panel of the dialog box.

5.Click Next.
6.Accept the default export path or click Browse and then select a different folder.
7.Click Next and then click Next again to complete the export.
8.Click Close.


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