Resolved Issues

For more information on the following resolved issues, reference the topics noted for the CaseMap Answer Center.


hmtoggle_plus1Disconnect All Users did not work for TextMap 7 cases

The Admin Console displayed an error when using the Disconnect All Users feature for a TextMap 7 case. It will now disconnect the users, just as with a TextMap 6 case.



TextMap itself does not handle this scenario gracefully for users that still have the case open. It will display an unfriendly message when trying to load case data or save changes. Administrators should notify all case users ahead of time and have them close the case before using the Disconnect All Users feature.


hmtoggle_plus1Import Local Cases sometimes failed to automatically assign users to the new TextMap SQL case

The Import Local Cases feature attempts to match the staff members in the local TextMap case with the users registered in the Admin Console. In order to assign the users correctly, the user names in the local case had to be an exact, case-sensitive match for the CaseMap Server users. It is no longer case-sensitive.



Admin Console 1.8, Build 32 resolved a related issue where it did not show correct details when an unexpected error occurred during the import.



hmtoggle_plus1Disconnecting all users does not allow exclusive access to the case

Resolved an issue where CaseMap users could not obtain exclusive access to a case (such as is required in order to create a replica) after an administrator disconnected all users via the Admin Console.

hmtoggle_plus1There was a noticeable delay when assigning a user to a case and there are 1000 or more users registered on the server

Resolved an issue where it took 20 seconds or more to display the list of users when assigning a user to a case from the SQL Case Properties dialog box. The delay occurred only when there were 1000 or more users registered on the CaseMap Server.

hmtoggle_plus1Installation failed when bindings other than HTTP and HTTPS were configured in IIS

Resolved an issue where the CaseMap Server installation failed if there were site bindings configured for protocols other HTTP or HTTPS.  This configuration is not typical and would not affect most users.



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 800.833.3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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