
For more information on the following enhancements, reference the topics noted using the CaseMap Answer Center.


hmtoggle_plus1Create CaseMap 11 SQL cases

Create CaseMap v11 SQL cases in the CaseMap Admin Console, in addition to creating CaseMap v9 and CaseMap v10 SQL cases. The SQL Cases pane displays the case type and version number for each case.

hmtoggle_plus1Export local cases using the Admin Console

You can create and export a copy of a CaseMap 11 SQL case from the CaseMap Server Admin Console.

hmtoggle_plus1Upgrades previous versions of SQL cases to CaseMap v11

Use the CaseMap Admin Console to upgrade your existing CaseMap SQL cases to CaseMap 11.

hmtoggle_plus1Create TextMap 7 SQL Case

Create TextMap v7 SQL cases in the CaseMap Admin Console, in addition to creating TextMap v6 SQL cases. The SQL Cases pane displays the case type and version number for each case.

hmtoggle_plus1Administrators can identify CaseMap cases that have documents that require OCR

CaseMap Admin Console now offers a feature to identify CaseMap version 10 cases registered with the CaseMap Server that have linked documents that require OCR. It lists each case and how many documents and pages that require OCR.

hmtoggle_plus1Administrators can generate a report with statistics on the types of information in your cases

CaseMap Admin Console now offers a new report. The report analyzes the CaseMap and TextMap SQL cases registered on the CaseMap Server and displays statistics about the data in them. The report does not display any of the user-entered data.

hmtoggle_plus1Use new role permissions for TextMap app for iPad integration

Added new TextMap permissions for Export to iPad and Import Updates from iPad. You must have TextMap 6.2 installed to take advantage of the iPad app and these new permissions.

hmtoggle_plus1Create CaseMap SQL 10 cases

Create CaseMap v10 SQL cases in the CaseMap Admin Console, in addition to creating CaseMap v9 and TextMap v6 SQL cases. The SQL Cases pane displays the case type and version number for each case.

hmtoggle_plus1Upgrades CaseMap v9 SQL cases to CaseMap v10

Use the CaseMap Admin Console to upgrade your existing CaseMap SQL cases to CaseMap 10.

hmtoggle_plus1Bulk import CaseMap cases using the SQL Import Utility

The SQL Import Utility now supports bulk importing cases to the CaseMap Server. The utility converts cases from previous CaseMap versions before converting them to SQL cases.

hmtoggle_plus1Disconnect case users to perform administrative tasks

CaseMap Server now offers the ability to force all users out of a case in order for system administrators to perform tasks requiring exclusive access. When disconnecting users, the case can also be marked as inactive to ensure that users cannot log into it.

hmtoggle_plus1Set and manage index locations for SQL cases

CaseMap Server v1.7 now supports setting up and managing case indexes for CaseMap v10 cases. Setting an index location tells CaseMap where the case index is stored for each SQL case. A default index location can also be set up for use when registering new SQL cases.

hmtoggle_plus1Use new role permissions for case users

New role permissions for CaseMap v10.0 case users are now available. CaseMap permissions include: creating cases based on version, working with spreadsheets, importing and embedding linked files, printing from DocManager, the ability to Send from Microsoft Outlook and Word, setting index locations, enabling OCR processing, and upgrading SQL cases. TextMap permissions include upgrading SQL cases.

hmtoggle_plus1Publish CaseMap case data on a central SharePoint location

CaseMap Server v1.6 now provides the ability to set up a CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts that allows for the display of CaseMap case data from active SQL cases. With the CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts, data is published to a central SharePoint location so staff can access and view case data without having to open a CaseMap case. Administrators can now publish case data without having to manually retrieve it from a case file.

For more information, see the About CaseMap SharePoint Web Parts topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Create SQL cases for TextMap

TextMap v6.0 users now have the ability to create SQL case files using the CaseMap Server and CaseMap Admin Console. A TextMap SQL Import Utility helps convert existing local case files from previous TextMap versions to the new Microsoft® SQL Server® format.

For more information, see the About CaseMap Server topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Add new users while mapping users in SQL cases

The CaseMap Admin Console now offers the ability to add new users while mapping users in a new registered SQL case.

For more information, see the Mapping Users topic and the Managing SQL Cases topic > To register an existing SQL case topics.

hmtoggle_plus1Create SQL cases from CaseMap templates

CaseMap users can now create new SQL cases from a CaseMap SQL case template in the CaseMap Admin Console. Case users and issues from the template will be copied into the new SQL case file, in addition to user's spreadsheet views, saved searches, and case/form preferences.

For more information, see the Configuring SQL Server for CaseMap templates and Creating SQL cases from CaseMap templates topics.

hmtoggle_plus1Manage TextMap SQL case Ignore Words

The CaseMap Server Properties dialog box now has an Ignore Words tab so TextMap users can manage the Ignore Words for SQL cases.

For more information, see the Accessing CaseMap Server properties.

hmtoggle_plus1Review updates to the New SQL Case dialog box

The New SQL Case dialog box now accommodates creating CaseMap or TextMap SQL cases. Changes were made to the dialog box to reflect enhancements related to the client application you are using. If a user is creating new CaseMap SQL cases, the dialog box now includes a Template Name field for selecting either the default template or a custom case template. If a user is creating a TextMap SQL Case, the dialog box now includes a Folder field for setting the path to import exhibit files.

Additionally general improvements were made to the New SQL Case dialog box. If there is only one SQL Server registered, the server automatically populates the SQL Server field. If there is more than one registered SQL Server, the last server used automatically populates the SQL Server field. When typing in the case name, the Database Name field automatically populates with the case name and removes any invalid name characters or spaces. The Database Name entry can be edited.

For more information, see the Managing SQL cases topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Open SQL cases from the command line

The CaseMap Server now allows users to open CaseMap and TextMap SQL cases via command line support. Users must first have case portal web pages set up where they can post hyperlinks to the SQL cases, in addition to any local cases or exported case data that they want available such as a case issue list or cast of characters.

Case users can create shortcuts on their desktops or save hyperlinks as Favorites in their Internet browser to open case file assigned to them. The CaseMap and TextMap applications will launch from the web portal page. Options are provided for whether the client application splash screen displays or whether a user logon is required before the case can be opened.

For more information, see the Opening SQL cases from the command line topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Automate the client connection with CaseMap Server

Using command line parameters, the logon connection of the CaseMap and TextMap client applications can be automated to the default CaseMap Server using Windows authentication.

The command line parameter can be configured to automate the CaseMap Server logon dialog box. This set up can be used in conjunction with the ability to open a SQL case in CaseMap or TextMap using command line parameters.

For more information, see the Automating the client connection with the CaseMap Server topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Bulk import users from Active Directory groups

The CaseMap Admin Console now allows administrators the ability to bulk import CaseMap Server users from an Active Directory group. Using the Import Users Wizard, administrators can search for individuals by domain group or run common queries to locate a specific group. Once users are verified in Active Directory, the wizard allows the option of assigning them to roles already created in the CaseMap Admin Console. Users imported into the CaseMap Admin Console will display on the Users pane. Each user's name, type, user name, and email is automatically imported during this process.

For more information, see the Creating users topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Upgrade previous admin databases to CaseMap Server v1.5

The CaseMap Server installation program now upgrades administrator databases from the CaseMap v9.0 / CaseMap Server v1.0 release to the current schema for the TextMap 6.0 / CaseMap Server v1.5 release. This allows administrators who have already installed the CaseMap Server to upgrade their installation to support TextMap SQL cases.



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.833.3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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