Version 2.0, Build 06

The following enhancements have been added to CaseMap Server version 2.0, Build 06 for the Admin Console, released March 30, 2015:


hmtoggle_plus1Create TextMap 8 SQL cases

Create TextMap v8 SQL cases in the CaseMap Admin Console, in addition to creating TextMap v6 and TextMap v7 SQL cases. The SQL Cases pane displays the case type and version number for each case.

hmtoggle_plus1Export local cases using the Admin Console

You can export a copy of a TextMap v8 SQL case from the CaseMap Server Admin Console.

hmtoggle_plus1Upgrades previous versions of SQL cases to TextMap v8

Use the CaseMap Admin Console to upgrade your existing TextMap SQL cases to TextMap 8.


For additional information regarding each enhancement, refer to the TextMap Answer Center.



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