About CaseMap toolbar buttons

CaseMap use ribbons instead of the Standard toolbar for its default display of the most commonly used buttons and functions. Click on a tab and place your mouse pointer over each button and/or menu item to view its name and a brief functional description.



CaseMap 11.0 or later, by default, use ribbons to provide you with the most commonly used tasks and functions for easy accessibility and use. Ribbons are used by default as the user interface, but you can use the Standard toolbar by going to the File Tab > Options > Accessibility and then select the 'Use standard Windows menu in place of ribbon' check box.


Click on the More Buttons cm_more_buttons icon in the upper left corner of the Quick Access Toolbar to view a listing of the buttons available. Button selections change depending on what spreadsheet is active when you view the toolbar button listing. Simply select the buttons to add/remove buttons that you use most often. All checked buttons display on the toolbar.


Standard toolbar


Toolbar button menu


hmtoggle_plus1View the toolbar button list

Reference the following table for a listing of toolbar buttons and descriptions.

CaseMap Toolbar Buttons






Allows you to search for user-driven functions in CaseMap using keyword searches.



New Record


Use the New Record button to add new facts, objects, issues, questions, and authorities for each respective spreadsheet.



Print buttons


CaseMap offers multiple print buttons: Quick Print, Print to PDF/PDF (Email), Batch Print (To Printer, To PDF, To TIFF), More (Print Preview and Page Setup), to include the Document Production wizard.


Document Production

Use this button to trigger the Document Production wizard.


Delete Record

Use the Delete Record button to permanently delete records from the case.


Refresh Spreadsheet

Use to refresh the spreadsheet view to display updated data.


Undo and Redo

Click the Undo and Redo buttons to retrieve deleted information in description fields before leaving the cell.



Cut, Copy, Paste


Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons to remove and copy/paste text in spreadsheet records.



Format buttons


Use the Format buttons to adjust font color, size, height, and to underline words or characters. Format buttons are only active when text is selected in certain spreadsheets.


Record Detail

Use the Record Detail button to access a detail dialog box for the selected record particular on the spreadsheet being viewed.



Add Question


Use the Add Question button to access a Question Detail dialog box so you can add a question to the Questions spreadsheet while working in another spreadsheet.


Define Views

Use the Define Views button to toggle between a spreadsheet's default view and other saved views, including a Favorite view.


Advanced Sort

Use the Advanced Sort button to open a dialog box where you can perform multi-level sorting of data on spreadsheets.


Row Height

Use the Row Height button to adjust the height of spreadsheet records.



Use the CaseWide button to access a graph displaying a visual timeline of facts in your case. CaseWide is available only on the Facts spreadsheet.


Linked Authority

Use the Linked Authority button to toggle between the Extracts from Authorities and the Authorities and Extracts spreadsheets. This button displays only when working in these two spreadsheets.



Issue Linking


Use the Issue Linking button to open the Issue Linking pane so you can link records to multiple issues at one time, add a new issue to the Issues spreadsheet, and access the Analysis Filter to sort issues. Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Analysis Filter heading Analysis Filter to display the Analysis Filter details.



Underline Objects


Use the Underline Objects button to turn on/off whether objects are underlined in spreadsheets.



Show Full Name


Use the Show Full Name button to turn on/off whether object short names or full names display in spreadsheets.





Use the Research button to access a submenu that offers search options in our LexisNexis companion products, like www.lexis.com, CourtLink, and more. The Research button and submenu changes depending on the spreadsheet being viewed.



Review Linked Files


Use the Review Linked Files button to open linked files in the Research spreadsheets, like Authorities and Extracts from Authorities. Linked files open in DocManager.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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