Breaking links

If you need to break a link between two case elements, first determine whether you are breaking an issue link or a link between one or more elements (such as facts and objects).



Use caution before breaking a link between case elements. Once a link is broken, it is permanently removed from the case. To re-establish the link, you must reset it manually.


hmtoggle_plus1To break an issue link

It's easy to break an issue link using the Issue Linking pane. Open the Issue Linking pane, select the record in the active spreadsheet and clear the check box for the issue you want to remove. The link is automatically removed for this case record.

hmtoggle_plus1To break a link between facts and objects

To break a link between an object and a fact, select the record in the Facts spreadsheet and delete the object short name from the Fact Text field or other description fields.

hmtoggle_plus1To break a link between questions and objects

To break a link between an object and a question, select the record in the Questions spreadsheet and delete the object short name from the Question Text field or other description fields.

hmtoggle_plus1To break a link between research extracts and objects

To break a link between a research extract and an object, select the record in the Research - Extracts from Authorities spreadsheet and delete the object short name from the Extract Text field or other description fields.


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