About file viewers

CaseMap has two options for file viewers. You can use CaseMap's DocManager near native imager viewer or you can set up a custom file viewer in CaseMap.


Learn about DocManager

Content review of linked files can be done in CaseMap's DocManager near native image viewer. DocManager allows you to review and annotate documents and images without having to open the source file in its native application. DocManager opens documents and images in a secondary window, which can be resized and viewed on a secondary monitor or docked as a pane inside CaseMap.

DocManager includes several additions features, including the ability to add notes to annotations, edit annotations and notes, and also search your notes. When a search is run, search hits will be highlighted in DocManager allowing you review content and navigate between search hits. Once you have reviewed and annotated the content, the annotations and notes are automatically saved. When you print annotated files, you have the option of whether to print annotations and notes. For more information, see About DocManager.


Set up a custom file viewer

CaseMap also allows you to add native applications as file viewers so you can view native files in the application in which they originate. You can add as many file viewers as you need to view the files and documents linked to records in your case. Once a file viewer is set up in CaseMap, you can view the source file in the native application. If other users want to view that same record file, they will need to set up the file viewer in CaseMap too.

To view the file, select the case record it is linked to and then click on the paperclip icon to launch the native application. The path to the native file is stored in the Linked File field or Related File field for that case record.


hmtoggle_plus1Review the file viewer applications that work with CaseMap

CaseMap integrates with a number of software and file viewer applications. To review a complete listing, see Native applications that can be viewed from within CaseMap.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn what to do if your file viewer is not listed

If your organization uses a file viewer that is not currently listed, check to see if the viewer supports DDE (dynamic data exchange), ActiveX Scripting, or Command Line Parameters. If so, you can configure the viewer and then view the documents and files within CaseMap.



For DDE and command line viewers, the path to the viewer application's executable must be the same on all other computers using these viewers in CaseMap.


DDE is a standard protocol that Windows applications use to initiate communication with other Windows-based applications. For example, CaseMap uses DDE to launch and display a document in DocuLex® and Concordance® Image.

ActiveX Scripting is a method to communicate with Windows applications that provide ActiveX scripting interfaces. Compared to DDE, ActiveX Scripting is a newer, more robust, and more flexible method of inter-application communication. In CaseMap, you can use ActiveX Scripting (VBScript, JScript, or JavaScript) to instruct another application to open documents that are linked to your case.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn the custom file viewer options

When adding a custom file viewer, you can choose from a list of options in the New File Viewer dialog box. To access, go to Case Tools > File Viewer > Edit > Options.

New File Viewer Options



File > Save to File

Saves the current file viewer's information to a file. This can be used to copy a file viewer from one case to another.

File > Load from File

Loads a file viewer's information from a file that was previously saved with the Save to File option.

File > Save as a Default Viewer Type

Saves the current file viewer as a default type of viewer.

Clipboard > Copy to Clipboard

Saves the current file viewer's information to the Windows clipboard. This can be used to copy a file viewer from one case to another.

Clipboard > Paste from Clipboard

Loads a file viewer's information from the clipboard that was previously saved with the Copy to Clipboard option.

Custom Browse > Enabled

When enabled, the Custom Browse Script is used to control the browse for file behavior of the file viewer.

Custom Browse > Edit Script

This lets you edit the Custom Browse Script for the file viewer. The script enables you to override CaseMap's default behavior when you browse for a linked file.

Viewer Testing > Test Open Linked File

This option toggles the visibility of the Viewer Testing pane. The Viewer Testing pane lets you test the behavior of a file viewer directly from the edit File Viewer dialog box.

Viewer Testing > Test Action Registration

This option lists and tests all actions registered in CaseMap.

Overview Help

Displays the Linked File overview help topic.

hmtoggle_plus1Add/change files viewers as needed

The default viewer in CaseMap is a Windows file viewer. You can add additional file viewers, such as Adobe Acrobat, so users can view linked PDF files in CaseMap.

The File Viewers dialog box displays a listing of all programs that have been added to your licensed copy of CaseMap. Users who want to view source files in native applications must have the applicable file viewer added in File Viewers dialog box for their copy of CaseMap.

For more information, see Adding/changing file viewers.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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