Deleting cases

If you need to delete a case, you may want to to store a copy in an archive folder on your network. Once you delete a case, you cannot retrieve it. All cases and content are erased from CaseMap.


hmtoggle_plus1To delete a case
1.On the File menu, click Getting Started, and then click Open Case.

On the File tab, you can also click Open.

2.Click Computer to open the Open Local Case dialog box.
3.Navigate to the folder location where the case you want to delete is stored.
4.In the Open Local Case dialog box, right-click on the case and click Delete.
5.In the Delete Folder dialog box, click Yes.

The case and all its contents are now permanently removed from your network and no longer accessible in CaseMap.

6.Click Cancel or Close to close the Open Case window and return to CaseMap.
7.On the File menu, click Getting Started, and then click Open Case.
8.Click Recent Cases, then right-click on the case in the pane you deleted in the step above, and then click Remove from list.


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