Analyzing and linking questions

The Questions spreadsheet is used to track both questions about the case or upcoming depositions, as well as to enter and assign task items for staff to complete. To evaluate case progress and ensure you are meeting targeted deadlines, mark questions or tasks with a Criticality status and run searches to instantly review outstanding items. If you have a question about a document, you can attach that source file to the question record and assign it to a case user to research. You can also enter questions for witnesses and link the record to people in the Questions For field so you can print a report for an upcoming deposition.

Discuss with case staff the variety of ways you can use this spreadsheet to benefit case research and progress. This spreadsheet can be updated throughout the life of the case.



Sort the Questions spreadsheet by Assigned To field status, then email a report of questions assigned to a case user so he or she can start working on the tasks.



Primary fields used to track information include: Question Text, Due Date, Assigned To, Answer, Answer Status, Question For, Linked Elements, and other similar field types.

Primary fields used to analyze/categorize include: Criticality, Linked Issues, Category, among others.


For more information on fields, see Questions spreadsheet field list.


hmtoggle_plus1To analyze questions
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Questions spreadsheet icon in the All Shortcuts pane.
2.Click on the record you want to analyze.
3.In the Criticality cell, click on the letter that best categorizes the importance of the question.
4.In the Question For cell, type in the short name of the person you want to ask a question.



Not all fields may display in a spreadsheet's default view. Some may be hidden and can be inserted as needed. Right-click on a field title bar and click Insert Fields to select a field you want to add to the spreadsheet. Select the check box for the field you want to add and click OK.


5.In the Linked Elements cell, review the spreadsheet information and objects to which the question is linked.



The Linked Elements cell can help you make associations between the record the questions are linked to without having to navigate back and forth between spreadsheets.


6.In the Category cell, click on the type of case element the question is about.
7.Continue setting the status for fields as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To link questions to objects

When you enter questions records, you should always type using short names so that you automatically link the records with an object (person, organization, etc.)

Enter questions example

For more information, see Entering questions.

hmtoggle_plus1To link questions to issues
1.In the Questions spreadsheet, click on the question record you want to link to an issue in the Issues spreadsheet.
2.Click on the Issue Linking button on the Home ribbon to open the Linking Issues pane.
3.In the Linked Issues pane, select check boxes for each issue that applies to the question record.

Issue Linking panel

Notice that you can use the Move to Next and Move to Prior buttons in the Issue Linking pane to navigate the records in the spreadsheet.

4.Click in the Linked Issues field for a question to view all linked issues for this record.
5.Continue linking question records to case issues as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To link question records to source files
1.In the Questions spreadsheet, click on the question record you want to link to a source file.
2.Click in the Answer field and type in the file's short name.

Answer field with linked file

The file is now linked to the question record by its short name.

Point to the short name link to view the file information, including the file's full name, object type, description and file path.

Linked file information


hmtoggle_plus1To use the Question button to link to facts, documents, and people, etc.

If you are linking question records to other spreadsheet records frequently, you may want to add the Question button to the CaseMap Quick Access Toolbar for easy access.

For example, clicking the Add Question button from the Facts spreadsheets displays the Questions Detail dialog box where you can type in a new question record without having to leave the Facts spreadsheet. If you also insert the # Questions field into the Facts spreadsheet then the number of linked questions displays for that record.

Fact record with linked questions

In the # Questions cell, click the Ellipsis button to display a list box with all linked questions for that record. You can also print the question list as a hard copy or save it as a PDF.

Question List



You can also click on the Insert menu and then click Add Question from the spreadsheet where you want to link a record and enter a new question.



1.Click on the spreadsheet you want to use, such as the Facts, Documents, or Persons spreadsheet.
2.On the CaseMap toolbar, click on the down-arrow at the far right of the toolbar.


3.Click the Add/Remove Buttons menu.
4.Click Add Question CM_add_question_button so that a check mark displays next to the selection.

The Add Question CM_Q_add_question_button button now displays on the toolbar to the left of the Filter button.


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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