Analyzing and linking facts

As your Fact Chronology grows, you want to ensure that you differentiate between facts and quotes, or confidential information. Fact Text entries should be concise statements of an event that are linked to other case elements by typing with short names in this field. Longer text excerpts or quotes should be organized in the Source Quote field or Privilege Notes field to keep information from printing on reports and to preserve any confidential data. For fact records that are entered manually or imported using the Intake Interview Form, you need to manually create an attachment link to the corresponding source files store in your case network folders.

When you are finished analyzing facts and linking to issues, you can sort and search these records to print reports based on criteria needs. Print the Facts by Issues Report to track disputed items, or print the Summary Judgment Report for undisputed facts.


Primary fields used to track information include: Date & Time, Fact Text, Source Quote, Source(s), and other similar field types.

Primary fields used to analyze/categorize include: Material, Status, Linked Issues, Key, # Issues, # Questions, Privilege Notes, Attorney Notes, among others.


For more information on fact fields, see Facts spreadsheet field listing.


hmtoggle_plus1To analyze facts
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Facts spreadsheet icon in the Favorites pane.
2.Click on the record you want to analyze.
3.In the Material cell, click Yes, No, or Unsure to mark facts as having material relevance.
4.In the Status cell, click the disputed status for the fact: Disputed by Opposition, Disputed by Us, Prospective, Undisputed, or Unsure.
5.Continue setting the status for fields as needed.



Not all fields may display in a spreadsheet's default view. Some may be hidden and can be inserted as needed. Right-click on a field title bar and click Insert Fields to select a field you want to add to the spreadsheet. Select the check box for the field you want to add and click OK.


Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To links facts to objects

When you enter fact records, you should always type using short names so that you automatically link the records with an object (people, organizations, documents, etc.) In the following example, notice how the names in the Fact Text field display as short names indicating a link to the object record for these people. If you clicked in the Source(s) field for this record, DepoLang would also be underlined in blue indicating a link to the object in the Proceeding spreadsheet.

Enter facts example

For more information, see Entering facts.

hmtoggle_plus1To link facts to case issues
1.In the Facts spreadsheet, click on the fact record you want to link to an issue in the Issues spreadsheet.
2.Click on the Issue Linking button on the Home ribbon to open the Linking Issues pane.
3.In the Linked Issues pane, select check boxes for each issue that applies to the document record.

Issue Linking panel

Notice that you can use the Move to Next and Move to Prior buttons in the Issue Linking pane to navigate the records in the spreadsheet.

4.Click in the Linked Issues field for a fact to view all linked issues for this record.
5.Continue linking fact records to case issues as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.



Insert the # Issues field in the Facts spreadsheet so you can see the issues affecting each fact record.



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