Version 12.0, Build 124

The following enhancements have been added to CaseMap version 12.0 (Build 124), released September 22, 2015:


hmtoggle_plus0Redaction capabilities

CaseMap now provides you with Redaction tools (accessed from CaseMap DocManager) that allows you to hide/black out confidential information [words, sentences, paragraphs/area of text, or an image(s)] in a document. The Redaction tools are located on the Home ribbon of the DocManager and consists of the 'Redact' and 'Select Redactions' buttons.

To restrict and/or hide confidential information [words, sentences, paragraphs/area of text, or an image(s)] within production documents, CaseMap now allows you to select the document text or area of a document to redact.

hmtoggle_plus1Specify a redaction reason and saving redaction

CaseMap now allows you to specify a reason why selected text is being redacted within a document. Once a redaction reason has been specified and deemed OK, CaseMap saves the information and content.

Once a redaction reason has been entered, CaseMap now allows you to edit and change the reason where applicable.

CaseMap now allows you to change/edit a selected redaction by adjusting (expanding/contracting) the area of text that's selected in a document.

When the 'Select Text' option is selected and you place the mouse over (hover) redacted text in a document, CaseMap now allows you to see what reason was specified for redacting the content.

CaseMap now allows you to remove an individual redaction and restore the original text within a document such that it is seen as unmarked.

hmtoggle_plus1Document review and coding capabilities

Now in CaseMap when you click the Detail button while viewing a document in the DocManager viewer window, a Document Coding Sidebar displays on the right side of the DocManager window. The Document Coding Sidebar allows you to view document details and coding data (metadata) simultaneously while in the viewer and it also provides you with the ability to edit and/or change coding parameters for documents. In addition to allowing you to customize and adjust the coding fields displayed, you can also set the field sort order using drag and drop functions, and you can modify the selected view by hiding, displaying, and/or moving fields up or down inside the sidebar to change the display order.

hmtoggle_plus1Document production wizard

CaseMap now provides you with the Document Production wizard which enables you to create documents that can be shared in legal proceedings. The wizard provides you with the ability to review and choose the documents to be included in the production, apply Bates stamping, to adjust the order of the documents to be Bates stamped, and the ability to select file naming conventions, output formats and the destination.

hmtoggle_plus1Enhanced Embedded PDF Reporting - Include Redactions

When generating an embedded file PDF report, CaseMap now prompts you if a document contains redacted content. This provides you with an option allowing you to determine whether  to include the redacted or a clean copy of the linked documents (no redactions) within a spreadsheet.


Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 877.301.0344. The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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