About Amazon AppStream 2.0 for the CaseMap Suite

The Amazon AppStream 2.0 for AWS application allows users to stream the CaseMap Suite applications directly from their web-browser.

The applications in the suite include the following:

CaseMap® - a case organization and analysis tool that helps track and build case strategy with features that provide you with tools to analyze and organize critical information about facts, documents and issues in cases. CaseMap also helps you to quickly create case reports for case staff, your client and the court.
CaseMap® Server - provides secure and remote access to CaseMap and TextMap case databases over a WAN
TextMap® - transcript management software that helps you easily manage your transcripts in an electronic format.
TimeMap® - a timeline graphic tool that helps you transform case facts into high quality visual timelines.
Sanction® - a litigation presentation tool for transforming and presenting exhibit images, rich media, and transcripts into compelling and convincing courtroom presentations.





hmtoggle_plus1Why Amazon AppStream 2.0 for the CaseMap Suite?

Streaming Service

Ease of use and access
Pay-as-you-go pricing availability without an infrastructure to maintain
Ability to add your desktop applications to AWS and instant access to your applications from anywhere
No files to download
Superb performance on user's devices as the applications run on AWS computer resources and not their desktop/tablet/phone, etc.


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